AUTISM  Homeopathy can support the medical treatment of Autism - see references below and judge for yourself. Nu-Life Health Clinic has also supported many patients with other conditions - click on 'Real Examples' above. You can only fully realise and appreciate the potential of Homeopathy by trying it out for yourself. The majority of our new patients come to us as a result of personal recommendations from patients previously helped by the clinic. Homeopathic therapy at Nu-life Health Clinic is provided by Dr Sharma (registered GP & Homeopath)

"Our child was autistic and very hyperactive. We couldn’t get him to sit down anywhere, or relate to us in any way. Since starting the treatment at Nu-Life Health Clinic he can now recognise and identify close family members and has become very attached to his mother. I (the father) went on a short holiday and when I came back he got attached to me as well. The grandparents and relatives are very pleased and have found a lot of positive changes in him. He’s a different boy to them now. He relates to people much more than he ever did before, and he is now much more loving.


He’s also a lot calmer, and we can now ask him to sit down, and can even take him out to restaurants and public places and be confident that he will not make a scene. He can now sit down for hours, and we have the confidence in him to behave normally. He did not do this before. Also, he used to throw things and spit a lot at people, and pull little girls’ hair. Now he has stopped all that. He knows what is wrong and what is right.


He no longer requires continuous supervision and can be relied upon to play safely on his own or with our other children. He no longer jumps around, flaps around, and his clapping has almost stopped. He listens more and his understanding has considerably improved. He tries to copy us and our other children in every day things like dressing and combing, and he particularly wants to copy and do things that his father does. Also, he can now be asked and expected to carry out simple tasks like tying his own shoe laces and fetching small things for others.


His obsessive and repetitive behaviour has also changed. The video film that he used to watch over and over again he no longer does; in fact he now seems to suggest that he is bored with it. He has also shown interest in playing with popular toys like ‘Woody’ from ‘Toy Story’ and can relate to this and other popular make-believe characters. Also, he now wants to play with other children and participate in their various activities.


We are very happy with the treatment and consider it very worthwhile that we came here."


Mr. & Mrs. B.C. (Harrow)



"Our son was very aggressive and his autistic behaviour, which he had since he was a child, seemed to be becoming worse. We were finding it very difficult to handle him and, therefore, decided to come to the clinic for help. We were very much encouraged as our son started to improve in the very first couple of weeks of the treatment.


We recently got a report from school saying that last year they couldn’t cope with our son because of his aggressive behaviour and that he had regressed, but this year due to the Homoeopathic treatment his behaviour had considerably improved. Our son is now very calm and is being encouraged by the school to verbalise more. He is now able to indicate what he wants through symbols and signs all the time, and copies children and other people, which is against the autism.


His whole autism seems to have been laid aside. We can relate to him much more than we did before the treatment. He’s much more observant now, more aware of his environment and other people’s feelings. He’s much more emotional. He seems to be more content and aware of what is going on around him. We can now cut his hair whereas before he would not allow us to do this. Also previously he did not allow us or anyone else to touch him, but this is no longer the case. He sits still, communicates more, understands more. He’s beginning to take interest in his own appearance - brushes his own hair etc.. He used to be so frightened of every thing, but that is gone. He’s not so afraid/ fearful of the world anymore. His language is starting to develop - he says a lot more language and they are beginning to expect more from him at school. Also, he no longer craves for the same foods over and over again and, can now tolerate those foods which used to affect him before. His sleep is much better, and his overall health has improved.


He used to have ‘Bluefits’ - these used to occur very often (every few days), and sometimes he was going out for as long as eight minutes. His fits were in the form of him standing there and fading, and eventually just going blue and stopping breathing all together. In the last few months he has gone six/seven weeks without a blue fit, and then he had a very slight one, and now we’ve gone five weeks again without a fit.


The treatment is very easy to take, and we’ve never had any problems in this respect. It has been very worthwhile coming for the treatment. We definitely recommend the clinic, and have recommended it to others. We have seen more improvement in our son over the last six months than we have seen over the last ten years. We are now much more relaxed and all the family is very pleased with all these improvements."


Mr. & Mrs. U.G. (Harrow)


Also see autism article in  'Homeopathy: Does it work?' by Mr J.K. Sharma.

[The above reference taken from video clips which can be made available for inspection on site.]

For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023

Copyright © 1995 Nu-Life Health Clinic

For further information and appointments call us on:
For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023
AUTISM  Homeopathy can support the medical treatment of Autism - see references below and judge for yourself. Nu-Life Health Clinic has also supported many patients with other conditions - click on 'Real Examples' above. You can only fully realise and appreciate the potential of Homeopathy by trying it out for yourself. The majority of our new patients come to us as a result of personal recommendations from patients previously helped by the clinic. Homeopathic therapy at Nu-life Health Clinic is provided by Dr Sharma (registered GP & Homeopath)
For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023