Homeopathy: Does it work? By Jugal K. Sharma B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D Hom(Med), MHMA (UK), FBIH.

It was with some reluctance and scepticism that I first started to look into Homoeopathy. I had no choice because I was desperate to find help and if possible some explanations for my younger son’s illness. My son had been suffering with ‘Autism’, and despite being seen on several occasions by various specialists at different Hospitals no real help was forthcoming as there was and still is very little understanding about the real nature and cause of this illness.


I couldn't bear the prospect of my younger son remaining Autistic for the rest of his life. I knew that as Autistic he would remain completely oblivious to the world around him viz. his family, his surroundings, and would always be dependent on other people to carry out for him even simple tasks like dressing, feeding etc.. With this frightening prospect in mind, I started looking at alternative branches of medicine like Homoeopathy in the hope that they may provide some answers and perhaps also offer some form of effective treatment against this illness.


I was very much struck by the philosophy and principles of Homoeopathy and I, therefore, started to take a very keen interest in this branch of medicine. I am very glad that I did so because Homoeopathy not only started to provide me with some of the answers and solutions to this illness but also allowed me with the advice and guidance of other professional Homoeopaths to administer Homoeopathic remedies to my younger son, as a result of which his condition started to improve, from a point where he did not even respond to his name to a position where he now recognises his surroundings, immediate family and other friends and acquaintances. He also now understands and obeys simple commands, communicates and speaks in sentences, reads, does spellings etc.. He has made such tremendous progress that it makes me believe that very shortly he will be completely well and will be able to function like any other normal child of his age and eventually lead an independent life.


As I became more and more involved in Homoeopathy and saw the many facets of this branch of medicine which could be successfully used to support the conventional medical treatment of chronic diseases and other illnesses and, of course, help children suffering with Autism, so I decided to qualify as a professional Homoeopath. It gives me a tremendous feeling of worth and satisfaction to be able to assist patients suffering with chronic diseases like asthma, eczema, rheumatism and arthritis. Of course Homoeopathy also pays special attention to the health and medical needs of young children and many childhood diseases like tonsillitis, febrile convulsions, asthma, and eczema. It is only by seeing the positive results obtained through the practise of Homoeopathy that one really begins to appreciate and realise the full potential and worth of this branch of Complementary Medicine. ‘Seeing is believing!’

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For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023
Homeopathy: Does it work? By Jugal K. Sharma B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D Hom(Med), MHMA (UK), FBIH.
For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023