For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023

Copyright © 1995 Nu-Life Health Clinic

For further information and appointments call us on:
For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023
LEUCODERMA  Homeopathy can support the medical treatment of Leucoderma - see example below and judge for yourself. Nu-Life Health Clinic has also supported many patients with other conditions - click on 'Real Examples' above. You can only fully realise and appreciate the potential of Homeopathy by trying it out for yourself. The majority of our new patients come to us as a result of personal recommendations from patients previously helped by the clinic. Homeopathic therapy at Nu-life Health Clinic is provided by Dr Sharma (registered GP & Homeopath)
For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023