Women's complaints


I was finding it very difficult to conceive. I came to Nu-Life Health Clinic for help and three months after starting the Homoeopathic treatment I became pregnant. I also took Homoeopathic medicines to help me during my pregnancy and with the actual childbirth. In fact I was actually in my office working an hour before I had the baby. The birth itself was pain free and the child, a lovely baby boy was born perfectly healthy and weighing eight ponds and is doing fine!


Mrs. A.G. (Palmers Green, London. N13)

Abnormal Smear Test:

As a result of a smear test it was discovered that I had severely abnormal cells in my cervix - known in the medical profession as ‘Grade 3’. If I had not gone for treatment the next step would have been cancer of the cervix and I would have said goodbye to my dreams of having a family. When I spoke to my G.P. after receiving the results, I was told that I may have to have laser treatment for a year to remove or kill the abnormal cells. Instead I went straight to Nu-Life Health Clinic for Homoeopathic treatment. Six weeks after being on Homoeopathic treatment I booked a private smear test. The results were very encouraging. Part of my cervix had gone down to ‘Grade 2’ - moderately abnormal cells, and the other part was ‘Grade 1’ - mildly abnormal cells. Just six weeks of Homoeopathic treatment had produced this result. I continued with the Homoeopathic treatment, and all through this I had my wedding, went on honeymoon and continued to live as normally as I did before I discovered the problem. I changed absolutely nothing in my lifestyle, except to take the Homoeopathic medicines. I had no treatment at the hospital except for small check-ups to see whether my condition was improving. The final smear test at the end of the year confirmed that I was completely clear and that all the cells in my cervix were normal - after just one year of Homoeopathic treatment. I am now leading a normal and worry free life, and have recommended Nu-Life Health Clinic to all my friends and relatives.

Mrs. R.Y.(Enfield, London. EN1)


General Problems Before, During & After Childbirth:

I came when I was expecting my fourth child. I was anaemic and was generally having a difficult pregnancy. I was given Homoeopathic medicines which helped me a lot. I also received Homoeopathic medicines to aid easy childbirth, and I gave birth to a nine pound baby - this was very surprising as my previous children were all around six pounds in weight and I had been diagnosed as suffering with ‘Thalassaemia’. After childbirth I also received Homoeopathic treatment to control and eliminate my bleeding and to promote increased flow of milk from my breasts - in fact the flow of milk became so great it had to be reduced with other Homoeopathic medicines.


Mrs.M .T. (Harrow, Middx)


[The above references taken from video clips which can be made available for inspection on site.]

 Homeopathy can support the medical treatment of Infertility & other Women's Complaints - see references below and judge for yourself. Nu-Life Health Clinic has also supported many patients with other conditions - click on 'Real Examples' above. You can only fully realise and appreciate the potential of Homeopathy by trying it out for yourself. The majority of our new patients come to us as a result of personal recommendations from patients previously helped by the clinic. Homeopathic therapy at Nu-life Health Clinic is provided by Dr Sharma (registered GP & Homeopath)
For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023

Copyright © 1995 Nu-Life Health Clinic

For further information and appointments call us on:
For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023
Women's complaints  Homeopathy can support the medical treatment of Infertility & other Women's Complaints - see references below and judge for yourself. Nu-Life Health Clinic has also supported many patients with other conditions - click on 'Real Examples' above. You can only fully realise and appreciate the potential of Homeopathy by trying it out for yourself. The majority of our new patients come to us as a result of personal recommendations from patients previously helped by the clinic. Homeopathic therapy at Nu-life Health Clinic is provided by Dr Sharma (registered GP & Homeopath)
For further information and appointments call us on: 020 88638570 / 07981086023